Biotechnology Innovation Scorecard

Biotechnology Innovation Score Summary

The top-ranked countries in Foundations are Denmark, Finland, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Sweden, and Switzerland.

This metric considers factors such as national spending on R&D from government and commercial sources, as more spending will more likely lead to spillover effects that enable home-grown innovation.

The quality of a country's infrastructure can be also an important consideration in doing business in a given country.

For example, biotechnology R&D requires robust and stable electrical inputs. Frequent brownouts or blackouts, or poor transportation infrastructure which limits the utility of backup generators can have severe impacts on research abilities.

The efficiency of ports is also important as import of research materials, or export of perishable finished products, can be very time-sensitive.

While weak enterprise support can potentially be overcome by large foreign enterprises with sufficient capital, infrastructure weaknesses may be beyond the ability of foreign investors to resolve.

The chart below shows the country scores for Foundations, ordered by rank and alphabetically by country name. Scroll down to the Foundations metrics for highlights of top performers in each metric.


Metric Highlights

Scores in these individual metrics are averaged to produce the overall category score shown above

Business expenditures on R&D (% of GDP)

The top-ranked countries in Business expenditures on R&D (% of GDP) are Israel, South Korea, and Japan.

Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (% of GDP)

The top-ranked countries in Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (% of GDP) are Israel, South Korea, and Finland.

Infrastructure quality

The top-ranked countries in Infrastructure quality are and Switzerland.

Entrepeneurship and Opportunity

The top-ranked countries in Entrepeneurship and Opportunity are Denmark, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Copyright © 2025 thinkBiotech LLC. Source data from Scientific American Worldview